Often people comment the code to debug a test. For instance, there is a python’s module with 5 tests. And just one of them has to be used for debugging. So, usually, all other tests will be commented during the debugging or test development. How to improve this experience?

The easiest way to experiment with production-like Docker’s environment is to use Docker Swarm. And there are two ways to manipulate with a Swarm cluster - managing services or stacks. The below step by step guide provides you ability to configure a Swarm cluster, deploy it and do initial experiments.

Once the Python automated tests development is started, need to define a project/repository structure. Usually, each engineer does it in his/her own way. But do we have some common template?

It’s often a demo is required once you created a couple of Selenium tests. And when you run the tests you face a problem: the tests are executing too fast to see something on the pages. How will you solve this?

As is known, people make mistakes. And always, less or more often… And programming is not an exception. Then, the logical question is how can I protect my code from myself?