In the era of wide adoption of CI/CD and microservices, a software engineer often needs to create a piece of code and to configure a proper CI/CD pipeline that aims to a produce high-quality Docker image. Docker provides such a great feature as multi-stage builds which simplifies pipeline configuration for compiled programming languages like Java, Golang, etc. But it is still a challenge to make a robust and fast pipeline for the interpreted programming languages like Python, Ruby, etc. Let’s see what a Docker pipeline is for an interpreted programing language. You will see a solution which is successfully used during the last several years.

Selenium has a pretty easy method of how to upload a file. You need to find a file input element and put a file path via send keys method. That’s it! But what’s about file size? Usually, it is not important, but sometimes size matters. Why?

Nowadays microservice architecture is a wide-spread approach to design digital solutions. And often the containerization is used to achieve all the benefits microservices bring up. Due to this tendency, the automated tests need to be ready for use within containers. What does it really means for a particular set of tests?

There are a couple of ways to design how to work with a real browser while execution automated tests implemented with Selenium. Suppose, we need to use Mozilla Firefox browser to run a WEB test. The most probable way is to initiate an instance of a FirefoxDriver and play with it. Looks very easy, isn’t? Is it the best way?

SNMP protocol is the internet standard often used a monitoring instrument. This happens because it’s a widespread tool within IP/TCP networks. And there are plenty different devices supporting it like switches, routers, surveillance camera and other devices, including IoT staffs.